Our School Rules
- This is an English medium school, therefore, students are expected to speak and work in English only.
- Students are expected to keep the classrooms neat and tidy. Writing on walls or spitting is prohibited.
- Students are expected to sit quietly in the class till the teacher arrives.
- Every absence or leave must be entered briefly in the leave record pages towards the beginning of the school diary and signed by the parent or guardian.
- Repeated absence without leave or unexplained absence for more than 10 consecutive days renders the students liable to have his name struck off the roll.
- Any kind of damage done to the property of the school must be made good.
- Exchange of articles or money transaction between students is not allowed.
- Abusive language will not be tolerated in the school.
- All the students are expected to attend the school on the reopening day after the vacation. Absence without prior leave application immediately renders the student liable to dismissal.
- If the child is seeking admission elsewhere, his/her name will be struck off the roll automatically. He or she will have to seek readmission with the payment of admission fee.
- Please ensure that children attend the school regularly, punctually, dressed neatly and correctly.
- That children bring diaries, note books, etc., to school. These should be properly maintained.
- That children do their homework regularly.
- That children do not go out for evening entertainment on weekdays.
- That children suffering from an infectious disease are kept at home for the required quarantine period.
- That children do not bring expensive articles such as jewellery, watch money & mobiles/cell phone etc., to school. (The school shall not be responsible if these are lost or stolen.)
- That children are vaccinated and inoculated against infectious diseases.
- Fees are to be paid regularly.
- Send their children to school on time at least ten minutes before the first bell is rung.
- See the notes which are entered in the school diary by the teacher or Principal.
- Make their own remarks and observations in the student’s Diary for the information of teachers.
- Go through the note books of their children from time to time.
- Warn their children (periodically) not to buy sweets, drinks etc. from street vendors.
- There is a provision of school canteen children are supposed to buy eatable from the canteen only.
- Send not more than 10-15 rupees and that on Tuesday and Thursday only with primary Class children (Class I to V) to buy eatables from the Canteen.
- To see that children do not distribute any sweets/toffees on birthdays.
- Not to give cell phone or any other electronic device to the children.
- See that children turn up for games and other school activities.
- Not to give notes to children to be excused from P. T. / Games/ Yoga/Martial Arts, School Band, Scouting etc. unless it is genuine. Direct all correspondence etc. regarding their children to the Principal when doing so, please mention the Name, Class & Section of the student.
- Enter class rooms without permission of the Principal.
- Interview teachers or children during class hours (unless urgent) without the permission of the Principal.
- Engage a member of the staff as a private tutor without the consent of the Principal.
- Take children away from the school without informing the Principal. (In this case the written permission of parent or guardian is essential).